Frequently Asked Questions

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is an FDA approved medication used to treat dependence on opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin and fentanyl. Suboxone will alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and eliminate cravings.

How does Suboxone work?

Suboxone works by tightly binding to the same receptors in the brain as other opioids. By doing so, it blunts intoxication with these drugs, prevents craving and allows people to transition back from a life of addiction to a life of relative normalcy.

Cost of Suboxone Treatment:

Most insurance including Medicaid, covers the majority of the cost associated with the treatment of addiction with Suboxone and other medical-assisted-treatments. At Tidewater Health we don’t want cost to be an impediment to getting the care you need. For patients without insurance we will work with you to keep your cost minimal and certainly less than the cost of maintaining an opioid addiction.

What is Vivitrol?

Vivitrol, injectable naltrexone, is a once a month injection that blocks opioids from attaching to opioid receptors, helping patients prevent relapse to opioid dependence following opioid detox.

Sublocade is a FDA approved medication used to treat opioid dependency. It contains buprenorphine, the active ingredient in suboxone, but delivers it via a once a month injection. This takes the hassle out of dissolving a pill or strip in your mouth twice a day. It is covered by most insurance companies.

What is Sublocade?